Wednesday 4 March 2015

First Meeting Outcomes

After a few words from Fiona we were left to discuss the first steps of forming our team roles. After taking it in turns to talk around the group, I was a little surprised but also humbled and happy to be nominated as project leader. My team mates decided that because it was an area I personally had a lot of passion for and a decent amount of experience in making masks for fairly heavy use, I would have a good skill set to guide the team in the right direction.

Upon being handed out the first draft of the costume list and brief, we were shocked by the sheer amount of costumes - 78! - and an eye-watering minimum total spend of £1070. This seems like an awful lot of money for a medium-sized charity youth theatre and dance group, so I suspect it will need to be heavily revised; the 30 proposed grass head dresses alone would cost £240.
My first thoughts on the vacuum formed plastic being proposed for the masks is that whilst it would make replicating them extremely easy, it would also mean that the mask sculpts wouldn't be able to have any form of undercut, lest they would be impossible to remove the masks from without breaking.

I have scanned in these (slightly crumpled) budget sheets under the cut;

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